DSML 2018
Dependable and Secure Machine Learning

Topics of Interest

  • Testing, certification, and verification of ML models and algorithms
  • Metrics for benchmarking the robustness of ML systems
  • Adversarial machine learning (attacks and defenses)
  • Resilient and repairable ML models and algorithms
  • Reliability and security of ML architectures, computing platforms, and distributed systems
  • Faults in implementation of ML algorithms and their consequences
  • Dependability of ML accelerators and hardware platforms
  • Safety and societal impact of machine learning

Important Dates

Submission Deadline:01 April, 2018 08 April, 2018 (AOE) (Firm deadline)
Notification of Acceptance:01 May, 2018
Camera Ready:15 May, 2018
Workshop:25 June, 2018


DSML welcomes both research papers reporting results from mature work, and more speculative papers describing new ideas with preliminary exploratory work. Papers reporting industry experiences and case studies will also be encouraged. Specifically, we accept submissions in the following formats:
  • Regular research papers (up to 6 pages)
  • Position papers (up to 3 pages)
All submissions should be in PDF format and must adhere to the IEEE Computer Society 8.5x11 two-column camera-ready format (using a 10-point font on 12-point single-spaced leading). Both LaTeX and MS Word templates are available here: https://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html

Submission site: https://dsn-dsml18.hotcrp.com/

All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by the program committee. Papers will be accepted and included in the workshop program according to the following criteria: relevance of the addressed topic to the scope of the workshop; novelty and value of the proposed contribution; scientific merit; quality of the writing, presentation accuracy and style.


Authors can select either of the following options for the publication of their accepted papers:
(1) Paper will appear in the supplementary DSN proceedings (archived in the IEEE Digital library),
(2) Paper will not be included in the supplementary DSN proceedings, but the authors are required to post a version of the paper on arxiv that will be linked from the workshop website.